ChicKnits Maximus knit in Rasta Natural
Have you looked outside today?  Those of you in Chicago know that the weather forecast lived up to its prediction and then some.  It's swirling and white.  Hmmm.... Maximus weather!  If this is any indication of the kind of weather we're going to have this winter, I say we all need one of these.  Put on your foul weather gear and come on over and pick up a couple of skeins of Rasta or Magnum and whip yourselves up one of these cowls.  It's a quick, satisfying and oh so practical knit.

And while your here you can pick up some warm and warm-hearted gifts.  How cute is this?
Mini Stockings by Lucky Penny Hand Made
This is the perfect little stocking to stuff and we have lots of beautiful things that fit excellently inside.  We can help you find ideal and unique items that your giftee will love.

See all you spirited and brave knitters and crocheters later!

And, just a note.  We changed the January Sock Class to Thursdays and our next Crochet class, Motifs: granny squares, hexagons and other cool shapes, will be on Monday, January 17th. Both classes begin at 6:30.

Flash Wearing His Maximus
