I've been noticing a trend: weaving.  Specifically tapestry weaving hanging on walls.  I'm smitten.  I was pondering what to do with my obsession when I got an email from artist and weaving instructor, Joslyn Villalpando asking me had I ever considered offering weaving classes at Knit 1.  I wrote back and said why yes, I had been thinking about it.  But, I asked her, what do we do for looms?  She said, not to worry, I make these small looms that are light, portable and (she didn't say this, but I am) and, oh, SO clever.  You can see it up in the corner of the poster on the top of the post.  Yes, that's the whole thing and you go home with it, because it's included in your class!

So, obsession fostered and cultivated.  Weaving class scheduled.  All the info is on the top of the page, but until we have our new site up and running you will have to call the shop to register.  BTW, we have tons of yarns you'll be able to choose from all included in the class. 

Check out these gorgeous pieces:

Inspired yet???
