Yesterday I opened a most magnificent box.  It was filled with beautiful, flowing lace shawls and finely crafted accessories, all designed and created by Miriam Felton.  For the next couple of weeks we are fortunate to be hosting a show of Miriam's work.  This designer has been knitting since she was in high school and began blogging 10 years ago.  She is brilliant and prolific.  We have many examples of her exquisite lace like this, the Icarus Shawl. 
Icarus Shawl
Of note also are her gloves; beautifully crafted and evocative of another age.  But, wait for it, the best part?  She's joining us on Monday for a Meet and Greet!  From 4 - 7 on Monday, December 8, Miriam will be in the shop to visit, discuss her work, design process and help you choose yarns for her patterns.

Please stop in to see Miriam's work and join us on Monday for a little refreshment with Miriam.

See you soon,
